
I am trying to create a Sales Profitability by Customer Class and Item report using report designer. After including the table names in the Value field of Report designer this error is shown for Item columnthis error

enter image description here

Do I need to make changes to this screen to? enter image description here

enter image description here

There is a table named InventoryItem having field InventoryCD in the database and I have used it in other reports too. But in this particular report it is giving error. Am I missing out something?

Can you add a screenshot of the table relationships in the build schema?Casval
Oh right! I didn't add Inventory table to the relationships. Thank you for reminding me!user8534573
What should be the relationship between Customer and InventoryItem table in this case? Since I am trying to create Sales profitability by customer class and item? I have included Screenshot in my questionuser8534573
There should be relationship between ARTran and InventoryItem table I think...but I tried connecting these 2 tables but still the values aren't right in the reportuser8534573

1 Answers


After linking ARTran to InventoryItem on the InventoryID, you need to update the group collection to InventoryItem.InventoryID. enter image description here enter image description here