I have a data set, which looks like this
Now, as one can see that a single person has multiple skillid, along with this data, i also have a skill_ref table, which has 2 columns(skillid and skillname) so from the image above, i can look and say that last person has multiple skills, Now, i want this data to be put in Neo4j, with person and skillname as node, and a relationship of has_skill. But i dont know how to handle the multiple instances, if i split the skillid , then i will have multiple instances of person name, but this is not what i want, i want something like this
in the graph,the center node is the name of the person and the others have skill name, with the arrows pointing a relation has_skill. I am new to neo4j as well as cypher, any help guys will be highly appreciated.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///people_data.csv" AS line
CREATE (p:Person{id:line.people_uid})
WITH line, p
SET p.firstName = line.first_name,p.lastname=line.last_name
WITH line,split(line.skillid,' ') as skill_ids
UNWIND skill_ids as skill_Id
MERGE (skill:Skill{id:skill_Id})
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///skills_ref.csv" AS line
WITH line
CREATE (p)-[:HAS_SKILL]->(skill)