
Try to use IN operation in dynamodb but get following error. Could anyone help me with alternative solution ?

var params = {

TableName : "table_name",
FilterExpression : "id IN ("+Object.keys(profileIdObject).toString()+ ")",
ExpressionAttributeValues : profileIdObject


ERROR :: {

  "message": "Invalid FilterExpression: The IN operator is provided with too many operands; number of operands: 119",
  "code": "ValidationException",
  "time": "2018-02-13T08:48:02.597Z",
  "statusCode": 400,
  "retryable": false,
  "retryDelay": 25.08276239472692



2 Answers


According to docs:

The maximum number of operands for the IN comparator is 100

Found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Limits.html#limits-expression-parameters

You will need to perform the query/scan in multiple batches, in your case with 100 of Object.keys(profileIdObject).toString() in the first batch and 19 in the second batch. Then coalesce the results.


According to dynamodb documentation, the maximum number of operands for the IN comparator is 100

So you can split into many operations like :

FilterExpression : "id IN (1,2,3, ....) OR id IN (101,102,103,...) ..."

Using this function :

let getFilterExp = function (x) {
    let arr = []
    let currentIndex = 0
    let counter = 0
    let max = 99

    arr[currentIndex] = {}

    for (let y in x) {
        if (counter < max) {
            arr[currentIndex][y] = x[y]
        else {
            arr[currentIndex] = {}
            arr[currentIndex][y] = x[y]
            counter = 0

    let exp = ''
    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            exp += "id IN (" + Object.keys(arr[i]).toString() + ")"
        else {
            exp += " OR id IN (" + Object.keys(arr[i]).toString() + ") "

    return exp

Where x is the profileIdObject in your case

let filterExp = getFilterExp(profileIdObject )