For various reasons I'm splitting the codebase for a Swift iOS app into a series of modules, mostly dependent in a fairly linear fashion. The basis of this question is: If I have a class in one module, and then extend it to conform to a protocol in another module, will all objects of that type conform automatically?. Let's call them Module 1 & Module 2 for now.
A consequence of this modularisation that not every cell for a given UITableView class will be declared within that same module. so to allow me to use cells from outwith that module I've declared a series of protocols describing the basic functions of a cell. For example:
In module 1:
public protocol ActionableCell {
func performAction()
Which is used by the tableview so every time a cell is selected, if it conforms to ActionableCell
then performAction()
is called on it. This allows the tableview to handle taps on cells it does not know about.
So, in the tableview's class (Module 1):
open class SomeTableView: UITableView {
// Blah
open override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
// If the cell is actionable, inform it that it has been selected
if let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? ActionableCell {
However, sometimes the cell is declared in Module 1, but the action is not possible without some module further down the chain, so in Module 1 I declare the class:
open class SomeCell: UITableViewCell {
Then in module 2 I make that cell conform to ActionableCell
extension SomeCell: ActionableCell {
func performAction() {
// Do Stuff
So, just to clarify:
In the first module: ActionableCell
is declared, SomeTableView
is declared, SomeCell
is declared but does not conform to ActionableCell
Then in the second module: SomeCell
is extended to conform to ActionableCell
If both modules are included & built in my project, but Module 2 is not directly imported in the Swift file either in the tableview class (where the cast to ActionableCell
is performed), or where the cell is created, will the cell conform to ActionableCell
anyway, because the extension is part of the project? If not, at what point is it important to import the extension?
I know that accessing the extended properties of SomeCell
is not possible without importing the second module, but this is about whether it can be cast without importing the extension.