I'm reading Operating System Concepts by Avi Silberschatz, in chapter 8 Main Memroy, it goes like:
Frequently, on a 32-bit CPU, each page-table entry is 4 bytes long, but that size can vary as well. A 32-bit entry can point to one of 232 physical page frames. If frame size is 4 KB (212), then a system with 4-byte entries can address 244 bytes (or 16 TB) of physical memory. We should note here that the size of physical memory in a paged memory system is different from the maximum logical size of a process. As we further explore paging, we introduce other information that must be kept in the page-table entries. That information reduces the number of bits available to address page frames.A 32-bit CPU uses 32-bit addresses, meaning that a given process space can only be 232 bytes (4 GB). Therefore, paging lets us use physical memory that is larger than what can be addressed by the CPU’s address pointer length.
I'm really confused with some concepts now.
In the first example(4KB frame size and 232 frames), since we have 32-bit frame number and 12-bit offset, is the logical address 44-bit? So what's relationship between logical address space and the CPU's word size?
In the second example(32-bit CPU using 32-bit addresses), how should I understand the physical memory that can be addressed by the CPU's address pointer length? And is the CPU's address pointer 32-bit long since CPU uses 32-bit addresses?