
We have created a Bot using the Microsoft Bot Framework (C#/.NET SDK) and connected a QnA maker service to the bot. I want to reuse the same QnA API in my Alexa Skill set (either by Lamda function or using the http request).


I am trying to create a API controller method as a wrapper class to convert an Alexa intent into a Microsoft intent and vice versa.

 public class AlexaController : ApiController
    private readonly DirectlineClient _client;

    public AlexaController()
        var directLineSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["directlinesecret"];
        _client = new DirectlineClient(directLineSecret, "alexa" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""));
Could you please precise what do you want to know?rudolf_franek

1 Answers


We achieved this using an azure function to simply unwrap the Alexa request, massage it into a botframework friendly dto and then use direct line to pass into the botframework. Works a treat