
I'm trying to load the dataset life.expectancy.1971 , but seem to have trouble loading it. I'm inputting


and keep getting the following error:

data set �life.expectancy.1971� not foundError: object 'life.expectancy.1971' not found.

I'm still pretty new to R so it could be a simple error on my part, but I haven't been able to figure out what's wrong since that has worked for loading other datasets. Can anyone help me figure out what I'm missing?

Have you installed the package cluster.datasets and load it? For me, it is working correctly after loading the package. library(cluster.datasets); data(life.expectancy.1971); life.expectancy.1971# country year m0 m25 m50 m75 f0 f25 f50 f75 1 Algeria 1965 63 51 30 13 67 54 34 15akrun
Jesus, yeah it really was that simple. I completely overlooked installing cluster.datasets first. Thanks!Joe C.

1 Answers


Pasting the answers from the comments to an answer so that the question can be closed.

Install the package and its dependencies

install.packages(c("cluster.datasets"), dependencies = TRUE)



load the dataset life.expectancy.1971,


look at the dataset life.expectancy.1971,

#>                    country year m0 m25 m50 m75 f0 f25 f50 f75
#> 1                  Algeria 1965 63  51  30  13 67  54  34  15
#> 2                 Cameroon 1964 34  29  13   5 38  32  17   6
#> 3               Madagascar 1966 38  30  17   7 38  34  20   7
#> 4                Mauritius 1966 59  42  20   6 64  46  25   8
#> 5                  Reunion 1963 56  38  18   7 62  46  25  10
#> 6               Seychelles 1960 62  44  24   7 69  50  28  14
#> 7  South Africa (Nonwhite) 1961 50  39  20   7 55  43  23   8
#> 8     South Africa (White) 1961 65  44  22   7 72  50  27   9
#> 9                  Tunisia 1960 56  46  24  11 63  54  33  19
#> 10                  Canada 1966 69  47  24   8 75  53  29  10
#> 11              Costa Rica 1966 65  48  26   9 68  50  27  10
#> 12      Dominican Republic 1966 64  50  28  11 66  51  29  11
#> 13             El Salvador 1961 56  44  25  10 61  48  27  12
#> 14               Greenland 1960 60  44  22   6 65  45  25   9
#> 15                 Grenada 1961 61  45  22   8 65  49  27  10
#> 16               Guatemala 1964 49  40  22   9 51  41  23   8
#> 17                Honduras 1966 59  42  22   6 61  43  22   7
#> 18                 Jamaica 1963 63  44  23   8 67  48  26   9
#> 19                  Mexico 1966 59  44  24   8 63  46  25   8
#> 20               Nicaragua 1965 65  48  28  14 68  51  29  13
#> 21                  Panama 1966 65  48  26   9 67  49  27  10
#> 22                Trinidad 1962 64  43  21   7 68  47  25   9
#> 23                Trinidad 1967 64  43  21   6 68  47  24   8
#> 24                      US 1966 67  45  23   8 74  51  28  10
#> 25           US (Nonwhite) 1966 61  40  21  10 67  46  25  11
#> 26              US (White) 1966 68  46  23   8 75  52  29  10
#> 27                      US 1967 67  45  23   8 74  51  28  10
#> 28               Argentina 1964 65  46  24   9 71  51  28  10
#> 29                   Chile 1967 59  43  23  10 66  49  27  12
#> 30                Columbia 1965 58  44  24   9 62  47  25  10
#> 31                 Ecuador 1965 57  46  25   9 60  49  28  11