I am currently running Spring Cloud Edgware.SR2. I am migrating services from RabbitMQ to Kafka, and at this point I don't see any Zipkin traces when I run kafka-console-consumer.sh on the zipkin topic (i.e., kafka-console-consumer.sh --new-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic zipkin --from-beginning
). As a result, I of course don't see any trace information in the Zipkin UI.
Following are the dependencies I have as part of the producer service:
These are the dependency overrides I had to make after pulling in the spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka11
dependency per the instructions at the bottom of the Spring Cloud Stream project page.
I also took a look at the instructions for Sleuth with Zipkin via RabbitMQ or Kafka, and I think I have that part correct.
The documentation states If you want Sleuth over RabbitMQ add the spring-cloud-starter-zipkin and spring-rabbit dependencies.
It specifically mentions spring-cloud-starter-zipkin
is needed for RabbitMQ, but I added it even though I'm using Kafka since it didn't work without this dependency either.
Any ideas on what I'm missing or have configured incorrectly to capture Sleuth traces and send them to the Zipkin server using Kafka?