
Repository - https://github.com/wso2/product-apim

Branch - 2.x-dependency-upgrade

Recently, While working with WSO2 API Manager, I found that some war files are generated and deployed.

To experiment with the war files, I deployed them on tomcat server. Deployment doesn't work and gives Error creating bean with name 'cxf' defined in class path resource META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml.

Detailed Error Log : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4c2378967ffcc1bb7a9bb475507120e9

.war file location: \product-apim\modules\distribution\product\target\wso2am-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT\repository\deployment\server\webapps

I tried to play with dependencies but with no change in error status.

  1. Why does these war files work well with the WSO2 standalone server, but not with the tomcat server ?

  2. How could we resolve the dependency issue ?

What are you trying to achieve here?Bee
Lets say you have Wildfly or Tomcat already running on some instance. Deploying WSO2 on the same server will be better rather than using it on a standalone server. Since many times the load is not that high to go for standalone server dedicated for api management.Fakabbir Amin

1 Answers


First of all, don't use 2.x-dependency-upgrade branch, which is a temporary one. Use 2.x branch instead.

Those war files need dependencies coming from carbon platform. (You can see lots of NoClassDefFoundError errors in the log) So, without those, they won't be working properly.