I made a body which I want to move when a button is clicked, I have been able to move the body using body.setLinearVelocity()
but it's not accurate. Let's say I want to move my body for seven meters with a linear X velocity of 40, how do I do that?
//timer = I try to move the body for a certain amount of time
/*isMoveRight and isMoveLeft are Just booleans for activating and deactivating movement*/
timer = 0f;
isMoveRight = true;
isMoveLeft = false;
}else if(Gdx.input.isKeyJustPressed(Input.Keys.LEFT)){
timer = 0f;
isMoveLeft = true;
isMoveRight = false;
if(isMoveRight == true && timer < 0.1f){
timer += 1f * delta; //activate timer
body.setLinearVelocity(52f, 0f);
}else if(isMoveLeft == true && timer < 0.1f){
timer += 1 * delta;
body.setLinearVelocity(-52f, 0f);
I could just use body.setTransform()
but I need the body to actually move and not to teleport. Thank you in advance