I am currently integrating the Zend Framework in my current project named VMM. I decided to put the Zend Framework directory as a standalone project next to my VMM project in Eclipse. I need to do some customization of the zend framework (For example I need to add Irradiance.php into Measure) and I would like to know where is the best place to put all my customizations.
I know that I need to follow the Zend Framework naming convention and the same directory structure. So for example Irradiance.php contain the Mylib_Measure_Irradiance class.
I was thinking to put the Mylib folder into ZendFramework/library/Mylib next to the Zend folder.
Is it the regular way to extend and customize the Zend Framework? If not, should I put the customizations inside my VMM project or as an other standalone project?
This question helped me but I still need some help...