
I downloaded the Watson Chatbot Starter Kit and set the conversation to the Car Sample Template. After adding the required credentials and Workspace ID, I tried running the application. However it shows the following error and stops:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.ibm.watson_conversation/com.ibm.watson_conversation.MainActivity}: java.lang.RuntimeException: You must specify the server host (wlServerHost) in the client configuration file (mfpclient.properties).

The mfp.client.properties file is as follows and has no value set for wlServerHost.


I tried setting the IP values I got from ipconfig, in which case the application runs but on sending a message, the chatbot doesn't reply and after a while shows "Connection timed out".I also tried entering the value for wlServerHost as localhost which results in the app stopping.

What value should I have to put for the wlServerHost?

This will be the hostname/IP of the server. You need to provide the hostname of your server - the IBM MobileFirst Foundation service.Vivin K

1 Answers


The mfpclient.properties gets filled with the appropriate values of your MobileFirst server instance when you execute the shell script by name mfpstartersetup.sh.

In case you don't see it after executing the shell script, you can navigate to your Watson Chatbot workspace and obtain your MobileFirst server instance's details and fill the mfpclient.properties manually.