
I worked on DevOps with VSTS. Currently I used the “PowerShell” Task to run the PowerShell script. But unfortunately my VSTS repository name having space (for example “WebApp Demo”), that’s why I am getting the issue while executing the PowerShell script at VSTS release level.

[error] Process completed with exit code 0 and had 1 error(s) written to the error stream.

PowerShell Task configuration in VSTS release definition enter image description here

For resolving the above error I followed so many blogs but issue will be the same.

  1. Windows Powershell doesn't seem to accept target paths with spaces
  2. Run a PowerShell Script with Space in the Path
  3. Windows PowerShell Cannot Run Script Whose Path Contains Spaces
This is a long shot but did you try encapsulating the script path in double quotes?Persistent13
It should work, add System.debug variable and set the value to true, then start release and share this log on the OneDrive.starian chen-MSFT
@Persistent13, I already tried with double quotes, but it won't be work properly.Pradeep

1 Answers


Based on the log, you the value of ConfigFilePath is the path that contains space.

Change argument to:

-webConfigFilePath "$(ConfigFilePath)"