
When I try account linking from Alexa web app, I get error 'unable to link your skill'. following is my work progress.

  1. Alexa app is able to open my authentication url.
  2. I am able to authorize and provide authorization code with redirect uri.
  3. Alexa fails in this step to link with my skill. It say's 'Unable to link your skill'.
  4. It is not even calling my api for access and refresh token

    Redirect URI Format https://layla.amazon.com/api/skill/link/**********?state=A2SAAEAEAuglqkkHrQ2dx9KcQKveKgBsNCS0Ijx0oKQfUmcMbaXm6nc7rfQEaLns1iv3aRue6PqvYjr8yVzJcaCtC8OPVm6tCfbT-9lOYh0VPujQwp0JRa9-gJpKqN4Ny0eCIMFvdYeQT2SsII-oC8siTPxF5UNhXR2-No4VqhqelOZHHNe5BXs91roaLtAAtJrv9vb-W5c3QSSZpFuXRFopJHmtYVc4so5dIyG09aU7CEcTCybqQ735chV9BwLR6LvYxrniUERhR8-IyPmJcV60_FJ-pOVEAiHOl4jEhZG08KvoIFa1SELf8WLgmbIbdb4a14EAqEtNv5nDJaST9m12MF_EM8j5De4MJmMssncG3AVcRzK_j4qSSdaZuoetQ-QYemb2R0QPh0zssGeT9DMdszkSCWo4krA5eCXNeOEmp4JNCJjwThuT4vwhoz0rFu8Pdz5SaCzwQ1ushRTYLwun4-asdn682C8Dml52ifQ&code=******************************************

I have gone through my forums about the same, but couldn't find what exactly the issue is. Can any one tell me why its not calling my api with provided auth code?

Were you able to figure this out ? I have the exact same issue on my hands. ThanksCurious101
I am also facing same issue. "We were unable to link betty at this time"ParikshitSinghTomar
Did you find a solution for this? I am getting the same issue 'Linking unsuccessful'Aram Tchekrekjian
Yes.. my referesh and access token generation API from access code was having problem in it's header. Kindly check if you're using proper header at server side. Please refer Alexa developer documentation for more details.Shan
@Aram Tchekrekjian : please share the steps you have followed for aws authShan

1 Answers


I was able to use Amazon Fire HD8 to link MEROSS Switch after getting only cannot link messages with anything else I tried.