I am trying to perform deconvolution on an image, I which is n x m. The kernel used to do the convolution on it is K which is also n x m. Now I want to find the original image, O, by performing a deconvolution. I know that I can retrieve the image O by performing a Fourier Transform on I and K and dividing: I / K, since in Fourier domain the convolution is a product. (I got this information from here).
I saw another post on how to use Eigen FFT to perform a forward transform, here.
My code for forward Fourier transform is:
I = Input Image (time domain)
O = Output Image (frequency domain)
tempFreq = temporary matrix for calculations (frequency domain)
timevec1 = float vector
freqvec1, freqvec2, freqvec3 = complex vector
for (Int32 i = 0; i < I->uRowsCount; ++i)
for (Int32 j = 0; j < I->uColumnsCount; ++j)
timevec1.push_back((*I)(i, j));
fft.fwd(freqvec1, timevec1);
for (Int32 j = 0; j < I->uColumnsCount; ++j)
(tempFreq)(i, j) = freqvec1[j];
for (Int32 j = 0; j < I->uColumnsCount; ++j)
for (Int32 i = 0; i < I->uRowsCount; ++i)
freqvec2.push_back((tempFreq)(i, j));
fft.fwd(freqvec1, freqvec2);
for (Int32 i = 0; i < I->uRowsCount; ++i)
(O)(i, j) = freqvec1[i];
My code for inverse Fourier transform is:
I = Input Image (frequency domain)
O = Output Image (time domain)
tempTime = temporary matrix for calculations (time domain)
timevec1, timevec2 = float vector
freqvec1, freqvec2 = complex vector
for (Int32 j = 0; j < O->uColumnsCount; ++j)
for (Int32 i = 0; i < O->uRowsCount; ++i)
freqvec1.push_back((I)(i, j));
fft.inv(timevec1, freqvec1);
for (Int32 i = 0; i < O->uRowsCount; ++i)
(*tempTime)(i, j) = timevecCol[i];
for (Int32 i = 0; i < O->uRowsCount; ++i)
for (Int32 j = 0; j < O->uColumnsCount; ++j)
freqvec2.push_back((*tempTime)(i, j));
fft.inv(timevec2, freqvec2);
for (Int32 j = 0; j < O->uColumnsCount; ++j)
(*O)(i, j) = timevec2[j];
For deconvolution, I am dividing the input image in frequency domain with the kernel in frequency domain:
freqDomainOutputImage = freqDomainInputImage.cwiseQuotient(freqDomainKernel);
And to get the original image, I perform the inverse Fourier transform on the freqDomainOutputImage.
I believe the FFT is mirroring the top left corner to the other sides but I don't know why? I am not using halfSpectrum. Second, why is the image shifted? If I move the output image to the center by replacing the last loop with this:
(*O)((i + O->uRowsCount/2)%O->uRowsCount, (j + O->uColumnsCount/2)%O->uColumnsCount) = timevec2[j];
(You can see that the image is mirrored from the top left quadrant).
And last, why does it seem to have noise even though I added the blur myself without noise?