Hello I am trying to build a dynamic programming solution for the following problem :
Given that a family consumes 2kg of apples per day, the apples last 10 days and the price of the kg of apples per day on day i is p[i] , I have to find the minimum cost so the family does not run out of apples .
Without the 10 days limit i have come up with the solution , that i make a new array :
for i=2 to n
if locmin>=p[i] then c[i]=p[i]
else locmin=p[i] c[i]=p[i]
and then
OPT(i)=OPT[i-1]+2*c[i] (well not so much of dynamic programming but it is O(n)) .
When putting 10 days limitation into account i come up with with a c[i,10] matrix where i store the lowest values of previous 10 days window the same manner as before for every i-10,i and come up with the solution
OPT(i)=OPT[i-1]+2*min(p[i,j]) 0<j<=10
. O(n^2) solution Any ideas ?