
I have updated a template of a Work Item in TFS 2015 called User Story. I simply created a rule on a field to set a default value.

To default the field I did the following : On visual Studio, on the Main Menu, click on Tools / Process Editor / Work Item Types / Open WIT from server. Browse to the Work Item (User Story in this exemple) Then click OK. Double click on the field to edit. On the Rules tab. Add a new rule : DEFAULT. From: Value and Value: My Text here.

I can see the change on the user story when I use Visual Studio but not on the Web Portal. Is there anything that I need to do for the web portal to get get this change?

Could that be a bug ?

Any idea ?



1 Answers


I've tested in my TFS 2015.4, and got correct behavior.

Here are my steps for your reference:

  1. Add a new field and make it available on work item form.

  2. Add a DEFAUL rule, the XML looks like:

    <FieldDefinition name="test" refname="test.test" type="String"> <DEFAULT from="value" value="mytext" /> </FieldDefinition>

  3. Check this custom field in VS:

enter image description here

  1. Check this custom field on web portal:

enter image description here