I'm trying to move a Ubuntu 17.10.1 directory to google cloud storage bucket via a node js app. I've chosen to execute a shell script using the child process module. The script look like this.
echo START $1
declare -r MODEL_NAME=$1
declare -r JOB_NAME="${MODEL_NAME}_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)"
declare -r BUCKET_NAME="gs://XXX-XXXX-mlengine"
gsutil -m cp -r ./training/$MODEL_NAME $GCS_PATH
echo ALL DONE!
This works as expected when called from a terminal.
When I call it from my node app it says it can't find gsutil and returns an error. I'm using the child_process execFile to do the external shelling. If I comment out the gsutil line all is well. I've tried using "wait" to no avail. Prior efforts with the child_proccess_promise module produced and error message saying it could not find gsutil.
const child = execFile('tensor_flow/file_process.sh', [trainingName], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) console.log(error);
if (stderr) console.log(stderr);
if (stdout) console.log(stdout);
This produces these error messages:
tensor_flow/file_process.sh: line 12: gsutil: command not found
tensor_flow/file_process.sh: line 14: wait: `PID': not a pid or valid job spec
Any help or insight would be appreciated or ... if you could point me to a "move the directory to a bucket" via node directly I'd like to know about that.
Thanks, JJ
PS. I've sudo'd all of the above in the course of this effort and I've done this with and without the wait/PID stuff.
gsutil: command not found
. Maybe because (1) gsutil doesn't exist in google cloud's server or (2) the path is not found. If 2 is the case, you need to supply absolute path of gsutil. – ariefbayu