
I successfully installed Hadoop 2.8.1 on Windows 10. Now I'm trying to install Hive version 2.1. When I try to start hive I receive the following error:

"Missing hadoop installation: C:\hadoop-2.8.1\bin must be set"**

enter image description here

I have HADOOP_HOME set to D:\Hadoop-2.8.1\bin in the environment variables and added to the path system variable. Do I have to specify this path in a hive file?

Please add your hive-env.batOneCricketeer
What about setting HADOOP_HOME to D:\Hadoop-2.8.1 -- and optionally updating PATH with D:\Hadoop-2.8.1\bin at the end? (Windows has no equivalent to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, the dynamic libs are searched in the generic PATH)Samson Scharfrichter
@cricket_007 I have a hive-env.sh.template. Do I need to rename this to hive-env.sh and edit this file? I see there is a commented HADOOP_HOME variable: HADOOP_HOME=${bin}/../../hadoopJ. Skinner
Windows isn't running a sh file. It would be a .bat, but I've not ran Hive on Windows before, so I could be wrongOneCricketeer

1 Answers


You have wrongly set HADOOP_HOME.

In User variables, configure HADOOP_HOME with following value.


In System variables, add following value in addition of existing path value.

path--><Existing path values>;D:\Hadoop-2.8.1\bin;

If you're not ok with that above configurations just try below way.

Open cmd prompt, Just set home by setting path and home.

C:>set HADOOP_HOME=D:\Hadoop-2.8.1


Now start hadoop services from same cmd prompt and then go to hive shell.