I'm doing camera calibration using the calibration.cpp sample provided in the OpenCV 3.4 release. I'm using a simple 9x6 chessboard, with square length = 3.45 mm.
Command to run the code:
Calib.exe -w=9 -h=6 -s=3.45 -o=camera.yml -oe imgList.xml
I'm using a batch of 28 images available here
camera.yml (output)
Image outputs from drawChessboardCorners: here
There are 4 images without the chessboard overlay drawn, findChessboardCorners has failed for these.
Results look kind of strange (if I understand them correctly). I'm taking focal length value for granted, but the principal point seems way off at c = (834, 1513). I was expecting a point closer to the image center at (1280, 960) since the orientation of the camera to the surface viewed is very close to 90 degrees.
Also if I place an object at the principal point and move it in the Z axis I shouldn't see it move along x and y in the image, is this correct?
I suspect I should add images with greater tilt of the chessboard with respect to the camera to get better results (z-angle). But the camera has a really narrow depth of field, and this prevents the chessboard corners from being detected.