I would like to set the background color for a certain type of control on all child forms that open. I have an MdiParent form that is used to open the other forms within itself. I don't want to add code to each child form as this would be very extensive. This would be used as a theme feature for the application so I would like to have it automatically change the background colors based on logic in the main form. Is there something like a global event that could trigger for all Form.Load events?
So far I have created an event in the Parent form but it doesn't work for nested controls
Private Sub frmMain_MdiChildActivate(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.MdiChildActivate
Dim ParentControl As frmMain = sender
Dim ChildControl = ParentControl.ActiveControl
If ChildControl IsNot Nothing Then
For Each FormControl As Control In ChildControl.Controls
If FormControl.GetType = GetType(GroupBox) Then
RemoveHandler FormControl.Paint, AddressOf PaintBorderlessGroupbox
AddHandler FormControl.Paint, AddressOf PaintBorderlessGroupbox
End If
End If
End Sub
and customize it according to your needs – Jonathan Applebaum