
I have a golang api application. I've defined a set of routes and handlers. However, the mux router only ever returns the last route.

When I request /api/info I get this in my logging:

9:0:38 app | 2018/02/05 09:00:38 GET /api/info Users Create 308.132µs

Why is that routing to the wrong route?

routing package:

// NewRouter establishes the root application router
func NewRouter(context *config.ApplicationContext, routes Routes, notFoundHandler http.HandlerFunc) *mux.Router {
    router := mux.NewRouter()

    router.NotFoundHandler = notFoundHandler

    for _, route := range routes {
            // TODO: fix HandlerFunc. Right now, it is overriding previous routes and setting a single handler for all
            // this means that the last route is the only router with a handler
            HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
                logRoute(setJSONHeader(route.HandlerFunc), route.Name)(context, w, r)


    return router

func logRoute(inner ContextHandlerFunc, name string) ContextHandlerFunc {
    return func(c *config.ApplicationContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        start := time.Now()

        inner(c, w, r)


func setJSONHeader(inner ContextHandlerFunc) ContextHandlerFunc {
    return func(c *config.ApplicationContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        inner(c, w, r)

main package:

var context = config.ApplicationContext{
    Database: database.NewDatabase().Store,

var routes = router.Routes{
    router.Route{"Info", "GET", "/info", handlers.InfoShow},
    router.Route{"Users Create", "POST", "/users/create", handlers.UsersCreate},

func main() {    
    notFoundHandler := handlers.Errors404
    router := router.NewRouter(&context, routes, notFoundHandler)

    port := os.Getenv("PORT")

    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, router))

If I visit /api/info it will attempt to call a POST to /users/create. However, if I remove the second route, it will correctly route to the InfoShow handler.

Why is mux overriding the first route? I'm fairly certain there's something wrong with

HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    logRoute(setJSONHeader(route.HandlerFunc), route.Name)(context, w, r)

but I'm not sure why that would cause it to map over the first route.


Please clarify what mux package you are using.leaf bebop
@leafbebop I'm using the latest of github.com/gorilla/muxuser3162553
Unrelated, but this is terrible practice: router := router.NewRouter(&context, routes, notFoundHandler). You're shadowing the router package with the router variable. Name them differently. As a matter of practice, it's recommended to not name your packages after what someone would naturally name the type from that package. Instead of router, use the routing name you specified in the OP. Will make for less confusing code.Kaedys
Thanks. New to golang. That was unintentional and I'll rename it. The whole point of what I'm trying to do is passing the database into the handlers. Go is forcing me to separate everything into packages but fundamentally, the pieces are a single package so I'm having a hard time finding a good structure.user3162553
You can put them all in the same package, if you want. Separating them can be good practice, as it lets you isolate concerns better, but there's nothing in Go that forces you to separate code into packages, unless you want to have the documentation benefits of separate namespaces.Kaedys

1 Answers


Reading through your code and gorilla/mux, I think I know the issue. You're using the for loop variable route, and specifically its field HanderFunc, in the function literal, but because of how function literals work, the value of that field is not evaluated until the that function literal is called. In Go, the second variable in a range loop is reused on each iteration, rather than created anew, and so after the for loop, if it's still in scope of anything (like your function literal), it will contain the value of the last loop iteration. Here's an example of what I mean:


package main

import (

func main() {
    var funcs []func()
    ints := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

    // How you're doing it
    for i, a := range ints {
        fmt.Printf("Loop i: %v, a: %v\n", i, a)
        funcs = append(funcs, func() {
            fmt.Printf("Lambda i: %v, a: %v\n", i, a)

    for _, f := range funcs {


    // How you *should* do it
    funcs = nil
    for i, a := range ints {
        i := i
        a := a
        fmt.Printf("Loop i: %v, a: %v\n", i, a)
        funcs = append(funcs, func() {
            fmt.Printf("Lambda i: %v, a: %v\n", i, a)

    for _, f := range funcs {

In the first example, i and a are being reused on each loop iteration, and aren't evaluated for their values in the lambda (function literal) until that lambda is actually called (by the funcs loop). To fix that, you can shadow a and i by redeclaring them inside the scope of the loop iteration (but outside the lambda's scope). This makes a separate copy for each iteration, to avoid issues with reuse of the same variable.

Specifically for your code, if you change your code to the following, it should work:

for _, route := range routes {
    route := route // make a copy of the route for use in the lambda
    // or alternatively, make scoped vars for the name and handler func

        // TODO: fix HandlerFunc. Right now, it is overriding previous routes and setting a single handler for all
        // this means that the last route is the only router with a handler
        HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            logRoute(setJSONHeader(route.HandlerFunc), route.Name)(context, w, r)