
Here's the call I would like to test expectations for:

UserMailer.invoice_paid(user, invoice).deliver_later

Rails 5 ActionMailer behaviour in :test mode seems to return nil on every method of an ApplicationMailer class. This should be fine since I can just stub it like so:

invoice_paid_dbl = double(ActionMailer::MessageDelivery)
allow(UserMailer).to receive(:invoice_paid).and_return(invoice_paid_dbl)

This expectation fails:

expect(UserMailer).to receive(:invoice_paid).once

While this one passes:

expect(invoice_paid_dbl).to receive(:deliver_later).once

Shouldn't that be impossible? I thought maybe the method chain was confusing RSpec, but splitting up the line into this has no effect:

mail = UserMailer.invoice_paid(user, invoice)

Adding .with(any_args) to the stub and expectation also has no effect (since that's the default anyways). The failure is expected: 1 time with any arguments, received: 0 times with any arguments.

how you have stubbed the method?Ganesh

2 Answers


Not getting how you have stubbed methods, but think that following will work for you

You are trying to stub chain of methods so need to use stub_chain instead of stub

UserMailer.stub_chain(:invoice_paid, :deliver_later).and_return(:invoice_paid_dbl)

I hope this will work and solve you problem. For more details please check docs


I'll leave the question up in case it helps others, but this was actually the result of a silly mistake. I had expect(UserMailer).to receive(:invoice_paid) earlier in the it block, and it was passing. It was the second expectation of that type which was failing. Oops.