Here's the call I would like to test expectations for:
UserMailer.invoice_paid(user, invoice).deliver_later
Rails 5 ActionMailer behaviour in :test
mode seems to return nil on every method of an ApplicationMailer class. This should be fine since I can just stub it like so:
invoice_paid_dbl = double(ActionMailer::MessageDelivery)
allow(UserMailer).to receive(:invoice_paid).and_return(invoice_paid_dbl)
This expectation fails:
expect(UserMailer).to receive(:invoice_paid).once
While this one passes:
expect(invoice_paid_dbl).to receive(:deliver_later).once
Shouldn't that be impossible? I thought maybe the method chain was confusing RSpec, but splitting up the line into this has no effect:
mail = UserMailer.invoice_paid(user, invoice)
Adding .with(any_args)
to the stub and expectation also has no effect (since that's the default anyways). The failure is expected: 1 time with any arguments, received: 0 times with any arguments.