I am using Flask-SqlAlchemy and now I am looking into marshmallow to help me serialize and deserialize request data.
I was able to successfully:
Create my models using Flask-SqlAlchemy
Use Flask-Marshmallow to serialize database objects using the same model, by using the Optional Flask-SqlAlchemy Integration
Use marshmallow-jsonapi to quickly generate Json API compliant responses. This required me to declare new Schemas to specify which attributes I want to include (this is duplicate from Flask-SqlAlchemy Models)
Code Samples
Flask-SqlAlchemy Declarative Model
class Space(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'spaces'
id = sql.Column(sql.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = sql.Column(sql.String)
version = sql.Column(sql.String)
active = sql.Column(sql.Boolean)
flask_marshmallow Schema Declaration (Inherits from SqlAlchemy Model)
ma = flask_marshmallow.Marshmallow(app)
class SpaceSchema(ma.ModelSchema):
class Meta:
model = Space
# API Response
space = Space.query.first()
return SpaceSchema().dump(space).data
# Returns:
'id': 123,
'version': '0.1.0',
'name': 'SpaceName',
'active': True
marshmallow_json api - requires new Schema Declaration, must include each attribute and type manually
class SpaceJsonSchema(marshmallow_json.Schema):
id = fields.Str(dump_only=True)
name = fields.Str()
version = fields.Str()
active = fields.Bool()
class Meta:
type_ = 'spaces'
self_url = '/spaces/{id}'
self_url_kwargs = {'id': '<id>'}
self_url_many = '/spaces/'
strict = True
# Returns Json API Compliant
'data': {
'id': '1',
'type': 'spaces',
'attributes': {
'name': 'Phonebooth',
'active': True,
'version': '0.1.0'
'links': {'self': '/spaces/1'}
'links': {'self': '/spaces/1'}
As shown in the code, marshmallow-jsonapi allows me to create json api compliant responses, but I end up having to maintain a Declarative Model + Schema Response model.
flask-marshmallow allows me to create Schema responses from the SqlAlchemy models, so I don't have to maintain a separate set of properties for each model.
Is it at all possible to use flask-marshmallow and marshmallow-jsonapi together so 1. Create Marshmallow Schema from a SqlAlchemy model, AND automatically generate json api responses?
I tried creating Schema declaration that inherited from ma.ModelSchema
and marshmallow_json.Schema
, in both orders, but it does not work (raises exception for missing methods and properties)
marshmallow-jsonapi provides a simple way to produce JSON API-compliant data in any Python web framework.
Flask-Marshmallow includes useful extras for integrating with Flask-SQLAlchemy and marshmallow-sqlalchemy.
class MyClass(Schema, SQLAlchemyAutoSchema):
docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/extensions/declarative/… i'm trying to get this to work now too – MoralCode