
Has anyone got these 2 working together?

I added react native firebase to my app and it crashes on start up.

I then tested the starter kit provided by react native firebase and once I install react native navigation the app crashes.

Using React Native 0.51, React native navigation v1.1.365 and react native firebase 3.2.2


Android or iOS? Do you have a crash log? Without them it's not very easy to diagnose your issueChris
Android only. Thanks for the response but I've removed the library and gone with react native FCM instead.Ruairí Oliver
I use react-native-fire-base and react navigation together. Did you tried tu downgrade react-native-firebase to stable one? Latest react-native-firebase often cause problems.sonicmario
Yeah, me too facing same issueManjeet Singh

2 Answers



It's Possible.

  • What I did Was first Installed Firebase and configured.

  • Then I Installed Wix/react-native Navigation. Follow the steps mentioned in the Official Documentation. Link for the same to Install and configure is https://wix.github.io/react-native-navigation/#/installation-android.

    a command to install library is "sudo npm install --save react-native-navigation@latest".

    Note: App crashes due to MainActivity File. Please remove unwanted code snippet. It should have following code snippet only. As shown Below. In MainActivity.java it should extend com.reactnativenavigation.controllers.SplashActivity instead of ReactActivity.

This file can be located in android/app/src/main/java/com/yourproject/.

 import com.reactnativenavigation.controllers.SplashActivity;

 public class MainActivity extends SplashActivity {


Managed to get up and running fully with React Native FCM. Seems to be the best option if using react native navigation.