
Not seeing the Map/MultiMap data on the Hazelcast Management Center. My environment consists of:

  • Remote Hazelcast: 3.7.2
  • Hazelcast Management Console: 3.7.2
  • Hazelcast client: 3.7.2

I am using Hazelcast Maps indirectly using quartz and the quartz-scheduler-hazelcast-jobstore. I created one trigger so there is some information that is added to the Maps.

I have verified that the connection is made to remote hazelcast its connection to the management console, as I can see the Members tab populated, as well as the Topics tab from other data in my app.

Any ideas as to why the maps are not shown?

Not a lot of logging happening, but this is what the client shows:

2018-02-02T15:55:23.745-0500 | | INFO | RMI TCP Connection(2)- | com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService | XMHZClient [dev] [3.7.2] HazelcastClient 3.7.2 (20161004 - 540b01c) is STARTING 2018-02-02T15:55:24.29-0500 | | INFO | RMI TCP Connection(2)- | com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService | XMHZClient [dev] [3.7.2] HazelcastClient 3.7.2 (20161004 - 540b01c) is STARTED 2018-02-02T15:55:24.130-0500 | | INFO | XMHZClient.event-3 | com.hazelcast.client.spi.impl.ClientMembershipListener | XMHZClient [dev] [3.7.2]

Members 1 { Member []:5701 - b79ad451-02f2-43d4-8b66-ca91fbd677e1 }

2018-02-02T15:55:24.132-0500 | | INFO | XMHZClient.user-1 | com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService | XMHZClient [dev] [3.7.2] HazelcastClient 3.7.2 (20161004 - 540b01c) is CLIENT_CONNECTED

Can you list the maps from Management Center console?Ozan Kılıç
Can you confirm that you don't see the maps even though the trigger is run? Also, do you not see quartz-scheduler-hazelcast-jobstore's internal maps (such as job-store-map-job) or your own maps that you used in your jobs? If it is your own maps, can you please share your job class implementation?Alparslan Avci
@ozan-kılıç I am not able to list any of the maps.Philip Wiebe
@alparslan-avci Yes, I have a trigger running every minute, another every 5 minutes. None of the quartz-scheduler-hazelcast-jobstore's internal maps are seen on the console.Philip Wiebe
Can you please share the logs of Hazelcast client?Alparslan Avci

1 Answers


@PhilipWiebe, since you see a lot of topics in ManCenter, I believe you're hitting the limit of reported objects. By default, each Hazelcast node only reports 100 object statistics. You need to set hazelcast.mc.max.visible.instance.count parameter on each Hazelcast node to a value greater than your total dist. objects count. This behavior is changing in upcoming 3.9.3 release.