I'm new to Swift, and I can't seem to figure out one of the most basic things - setting frame and bounds for a CALayer, so I can read them later.
I'm trying to see where a box is drawn on a CALayer to determine how close to the center of the layer it is.
I would have assumed the CALayer is the same size of the layer/view it's added to with subview, but when I look at the CALayer's frame or bounds it's zero. Same for the superview layer/view.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Goal: check where a box is written within a layer
Pseudo Code:
create new layer
draw a box on layer
look at box dimensions and compare to layer dimensions
if box near middle of the layer then print success
View/Layer Hierarchy (top to bottom)
1. CALayer named shapeLayer
2. CALayer named previewLayer (this is a AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer)
3. UIView named videoPreview
I can't set frame or bounds for any of the 3 views/layers. All i get is 0 back when I read the frame or bounds value.
Note, I've tried calling code in viewWillAppear as well, but same result.
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let previewLayer = self.videoCapture.previewLayer {
videoCapture.previewLayer?.frame = videoPreview.bounds
if videoCapture.previewLayer?.frame != nil {
videoCapture.previewLayer!.frame = CGRect(x:0, y:0, width:375, height: 667)
let w = videoCapture.previewLayer!.frame.height
let h = videoCapture.previewLayer!.frame.width
NSLog("Print the height and width w:%i, h:%i", w, h);
, but setting frames inviewDidLoad
is very risky at best. (As opposed to setting auto layout constraints.) Also, something that - I believe - most developers would say is you have your hierarchy backwards. "Top" usually mean the "parent" or "root", and "bottom" usually means "subviews" or "sublayers". – dfd