
I use EasyAdmin in Symfony 4 and I want to set some fields in twig template to disabled true or false depends on user role.

For example

{{ dump(form.role.vars.disabled) }}

shows true

I want to set it to false

{% block entity_form %}
    {% set form.role.vars.disabled = false %}
    {{ form(form) }}
{% endblock entity_form %}

But I got the error

Unexpected token "punctuation" of value "." ("end of statement block" expected).

Also I tried to merge it as array but got error.

How to do it correctly?

why not do that in your form configuration?yceruto

1 Answers


You need to use the merge filter to update values of an array or a hash. You have a deeply nested hash so you need to use the merge filter many times:

{% set form = form|merge({
    role: form.role|merge({
        vars: form.role.vars|merge({
            disabled: false
}) %}

See TwigFiddle. (I used {{ var ? 'true' : 'false' }} instead of {{ dump(var) }} because TwigFiddle doesn't support the dump function.)


The above code doesn't work in your case because the merge filter converts the FormView object to an array. You would need to create a Twig extension to change the object's property. Take a look at this similar question: Set value of single object in multidimensional array in twig template

Or a better approach might be to do this kind of thing in the controller (or wherever you are configuring the form) like @yceruto suggested.