
I've almost given up , after trying countless solutions , nothing has worked for me till now. I'm running Ruby 2.3.3 and rails 4.2.8 on windows 10 64-bit I've installed Ruby , Rails and DevKit using Rails Installer. I installed bcrypt v 3.1.7 ( to avoid compatibility issues )

gem list bcrypt


bcrypt (3.1.7 x86-mingw32)

I run rake db:migrate ( I have a few seeds ) and get this -

enter image description here

I've tried a lot of solutions. The most popular being uninstalling bcrypt and installing bcrypt in this manner - "gem install bcrypt --platform=ruby" But when I try to do that, I get this error -

enter image description here

I've also tried navigating to the folder where the gem is installed and running -

ruby extconf.rb

But that gives me a bunch of errors basically saying " You need to install Development Tools first" But Devkit has been installed by RailsInstaller. Even after I navigate to Devkit folder and run following commands I get an error -

enter image description here

So I add my Ruby root directory to config.yml - C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby2.3.3 and get following error -

enter image description here

This leads me to believe that DevKit tools have been installed but I still get an error saying that they need to be installed when I run ruby extconf.rb

I just want to get bcrypt running on my machine , any ideas what can I do ?

First things first: please fix your question by removing any images. Instead, paste the text from your console into the question so that if your image host deletes the images, your question still makes sense. Remember that Stack Overflow is a resource used by many over time, not just free dev help for you alone.MarsAtomic
Sorry mate , I don't have those lines available since I fixed the problem but I'll transcribe the text from the image asapMihir Deshpande

1 Answers


Try fixing your gemfile. You're working in a 64 bit operating system, but you've specified a 32 bit version of bcrypt in your gemfile:

bcrypt (3.1.7 x86-mingw32)

This notation leads to a cascade of problems because bcrypt wants to install 32 bit dependencies (psych) as well.

Specify the 64 bit version of bcrypt in your gemfile and see what happens:

bcrypt (3.1.7-x64-mingw32)

Then run:

bundle install

You should be in good shape from there on out. I'm not sure, since I'm too lazy to boot into Windows at the moment, but I think you can probably get away with not specifying a version of bcrypt at all, and letting bundler figure it out by itself based on your platform.