
I'm new to azure event grid concepts and currently doing research on event grid to implement in our project. Can any one tell about the throughput of event grid, how many events I can push per second and what is the egress of event grid per second, means count of output events per second from event grid.

It seems you're looking for Event Hubs. Care to share why would you pick Grid instead?evilSnobu
@evilSnobu We have already started using Event hub by integrating with azure functions.But,Since the Event Grid has the Retry capability, we hope it will match our current requirement(need to retry sending notification until it succeed.)k11k2
What kind of notifications, and to what target? You'd usually throw in Notification Hubs if a human is supposed to get those.evilSnobu
@k11k2, Scalability of the Event Grid: Capable of routing 10,000,000 events per second per region. docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/…Roman Kiss
@evilSnobu We send SMS notifications to users based on their request (to notify their profile updates, account details etc) & Yes we are currently throwing events to event hub, and triggering the event hub with azf to process the event and send to user.Bt in some cases while processing at any point of time due to request rate large exceptions, or connection problems process notification fails.Inorder to retry processing the event we have implemented our own failure mechanism.Bt this is becoming another functional challenge to handle, that is the reason why we are trying to switch to Event gridk11k2

2 Answers


Event Grid is build for large scale - millions of events per second in on throughput for both ingress and egress: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-grid/overview#capabilities

There isn't a concept of a namespace in Event Grid, so you don't pre-provision a certain throughput capacity. It scales as you use it on a pay-per-operation basis.


I asked Microsoft about this topic and this was their response:

Nape: Publish rate limit is about 5000 events per second. This is the events you can publish to Event Grid. You can achieve rates higher than this if the service instance is not as loaded. Keep in mind EG is a multitenant system.

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-event-grid-routing-comparison High: Capable of routing 10,000,000 events per second per region.

Above represents the capability of the entire service in dispatching events, per region.