
I'm new in Bot framework and I face this issue:

I want to move from dialog to another dialog, the callback function is working for context.Call but not for context.Forward? I try multiple solutions such as put this.CallbackFunctionName but it dosen't work.

Here is my code for call new dialog:

switch (submitType)
    case "alarm":
        context.Call(new AlarmDialog(), ResumeAfterAlarmDialog);

    case "game":
        await context.Forward(new AlarmDialog(), ResumeAfterAlarmDialog, value, CancellationToken.None);

And here the method that I call:

private async Task ResumeAfterAlarmDialog(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
    await context.PostAsync($"You are finish the alarm dialog");

And this is the error that I have for the context.Forward:

cannot use a method group as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation.Did you intend to invoke the method?

Here the full implementation of the class:

    namespace CardEx.Dialogs
    public class RootDialog : IDialog<object>
        public Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)

            return Task.CompletedTask;

        private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
            var activity = await result as Activity;

            if (activity.Value != null)
                // Got an Action Submit
                dynamic value = activity.Value;
                string submitType = value.Type.ToString();
                switch (submitType)
                    case "alarm":

                        context.Call(new AlarmDialog(), ResumeAfterAlarmDialog);


                    case "alarm2":
                        await context.Forward(new AlarmDialog(), ResumeAfterAlarmDialog, value, CancellationToken.None);

            AdaptiveCard aCard = new AdaptiveCard()
                Body = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
            new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text = "Welcome!",
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Large
            new AdaptiveTextBlock() { Text = "Please choose one of the following:" },

                Actions = new List<AdaptiveAction>()
        new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
            Title = "Set an alarm",
            DataJson = "{ \"Type\": \"alarm\" }"
        new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
            Title = "Play a game",
            DataJson = "{ \"Type\": \"game\" }"

            Attachment attachment = new Attachment()
                ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType,
                Content = aCard


            var reply = context.MakeMessage();

            await context.PostAsync(reply, CancellationToken.None);

        private async Task ResumeAfterAlarmDialog(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
            await context.PostAsync($"You are finish the alarm dialog");


Thank you.

Can you add the full code of your class please?Nicolas R
Based on the code snippet that you provided, it is difficult to find the root cause of issue. Please share your full code or a sample to reproduce the issue.Fei Han
@FeiHan I add the code, thank you.Ahmad Dar Saleh
@NicolasR I add the code, thank you.Ahmad Dar Saleh

1 Answers


cannot use a method group as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation.Did you intend to invoke the method?

the parameter value used in context.Forward is a dynamic type, which raised this issue.

Please try following code:

await context.Forward(new TestDialog(), ResumeAfterAlarmDialog, (object)value, CancellationToken.None);