
Although BPMN and CMMN have different symbols, they both seem to represent the activities that happen in a scenario somehow. Are the two standards interchangeable (at least in some situations)? If not, when should I use BPMN / CMMN?

Thank you!

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about business process modelling standards.Matt Ball
@Suncatcher this question is a poor fit over there for the same reasons as it is here. Please abstain of recommending sites you're not familiar with. See also: What goes on Software Engineering (previously known as Programmers)? A guide for Stack Overflowgnat
That is exactly why Quora rules, as you spend your time on question, not arguing why your question is acceptable for the site :)Suncatcher

1 Answers


BPMN is good for making models of structured business processes that, despite some variations, share the same structure and can possibly be automated. BPMN can be used for

  1. Describing/documenting established business processes.
  2. Designing new business processes.
  3. Defining automated business processes that can be enacted by a business process engine.

CMMN is good for making "case management" models, which describe semi-structured business processes that cannot be automated.

See also these presentation slides.