I've a Matrix to show the values over the months. But the last column I want to show the Varianve between the current month and the previous month. I've this dataset (Months):
Servername Month Year Reference Value Previous_Value
SV1 8 2017 80 11 Null
SV1 9 2017 80 13 11
SV1 10 2017 80 18 13
SV1 11 2017 80 21 18
SV1 12 2017 80 12 21
SV1 1 2018 80 18 12
Basically, I want to build a expression that allows me to get the value from MAX(Month) and MAX(Year). I try this:
=IIF(Fields!Month.Value = max(Fields!Month.Value, "Months") and Fields!Year.Value = max(Fields!Year.Value, "Months"),Fields!Previous_Value.Value,0)
But when I run the report I'm getting 0 to all of my machines... And my final matrix are:
**Servername 8 9 10 11 12 1 Previous_Value**
SV1 11 13 18 21 12 18 12
How can I do this?