I'd love some advice on my twilio setup for a problem I'm trying to solve.
A client can call our twilio number and have one of three cases to handle: - is our client and has a question - should be transfered to CC queue (2ppl), - wants to buy our services - should be transfered to Sales queue (7ppl), - has some other case - should be transfered to a different queue, lets call it Other (1 person)
Current solution
The client calls:
- welcome message
- we gather his digit input
- enqueue a call to the appropiate queue
- assign a task to an available worker with the conference instruction
Problem with the current solution
If there are no workers in the office to handle the call the client will wait forever until he hangs-up by himself. The wroker who answers doesn't know the clients phone number so he isn't able to fallow-up if neccesary.