I am trying to set up Fiddler proxy to capture traffic from a Xamarin app. I have completed the following steps:
- Installed Fiddler v5.0.20173.50948 on a Windows machine
- Set Allow remote computers to connect and port 8888
- Set Capture HTTPS CONNECTs, Decrypt HTTPS traffic and ...from all processes, installed the root cert to Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.
- on Android device I'm using the same Wi-Fi network and configured manual Wi-Fi proxy with PC's ip and port 8888
- I was able to open ipv4.fiddler:8888, downloaded the cert and installed it on the Android device, I can see it in Trusted credentials>User. I compared the thumbprint on the PC cert and Android cert, they are the same.
Fiddler is able to capture traffic from some websites, but for the URLs I care about I only see tunnel CONNECTs, but no decrypted traffic.
PS When these steps didn't work I also tried:
- resetting all certs in Fiddler and re-installing them on both PC and the Android device
- installing the cert for VPN and apps as well as for Wi-Fi in Android
That didn't help.
Any help is very appreciated.