I have to find the number of working days between two dates which should exclude weekends and National Holidays. I am using function NETWORKDAYS in vba, this excludes weekends but I want to exclude Some National Holidays as well. How to use this function NETWORKDAYS(startDate, endDate, [holidays]) for National holidays. It says it accepts [holidays] as a list. I have all the national holidays in an array. how can I use it with this function via VBA ?? Please find the code snippet.
Public Function dataFromInputSheetHolidayDates() As Variant
Dim holidayDates As Integer
Dim holidaydatesArray(20) As Variant
holidayDates = Sheets("InputSheet").Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
For countDate = 0 To holidayDates - 1
holidaydatesArray(countDate) = Format(Sheets("InputSheet").Cells(countDate + 2, "D").Value, "DD-MMM-YY")
Next countDate
dataFromInputSheetHolidayDates = holidaydatesArray
End Function
holidayList = dataFromInputSheetHolidayDates()
Sheets("Estimation").Range("Z" & taskcounter).Formula = "=NETWORKDAYS(X" &
taskcounter & ",Y" & taskcounter &","& holidayList & ")"
Sheets("Estimation").Range("AB" & taskcounter).Formula = "=NETWORKDAYS(X" &
taskcounter & ",AA" & taskcounter &"," & holidayList & ")"