
Is there a way to delete all hanging reference to edges I have unsafely deleted in orientdb ?

I typed drop class MyEdge unsafe in orientdb, but reference to this edge in outs of other vertices weren't deleted.

Any idea what is the right command I should have used to delete an edge and its references ?

I'm using orientdb 2.1.19

Thank you

any error message?Dalton Cézane
Have you tried delete MyEdge ?Dalton Cézane
delete was to delete a single edge, I want to delete a whole class. I don't have the error right now sorry, but it was telling me that the edge was not found.matthiasbe
How about TRUNCATE CLASS MyEdge UNSAFE?Dalton Cézane
Same issue with truncate - pointers to MyEdge are not deletedmatthiasbe

1 Answers


Starting from OrientDB 2.2.x the command CHECK DATABASE has been introduced, in case the database contains graphs, their consistency is checked. To repair a database, use the REPAIR DATABASE command.

For more information about CHECK DATABASE: https://orientdb.com/docs/last/Console-Command-Check-Database.html

For more information about REPAIR DATABASE: https://orientdb.com/docs/last/Console-Command-Repair-Database.html

Hope it helps
