
I have been learning about Radix sort recently and one of the sources I have used is the Wikipedia page. At the moment there is the following paragraph there regarding the efficiency of the algorithm:

The topic of the efficiency of radix sort compared to other sorting algorithms is somewhat tricky and subject to quite a lot of misunderstandings. Whether radix sort is equally efficient, less efficient or more efficient than the best comparison-based algorithms depends on the details of the assumptions made. Radix sort complexity is O(wn) for n keys which are integers of word size w. Sometimes w is presented as a constant, which would make radix sort better (for sufficiently large n) than the best comparison-based sorting algorithms, which all perform O(n log n) comparisons to sort n keys. However, in general w cannot be considered a constant: if all n keys are distinct, then w has to be at least log n for a random-access machine to be able to store them in memory, which gives at best a time complexity O(n log n). That would seem to make radix sort at most equally efficient as the best comparison-based sorts (and worse if keys are much longer than log n).

The part in bold has regrettably become a bit of a block that I am unable to get past. I understand that in general Radix sort is O(wn), and through other sources have seen how O(n) can be achieved, but cannot quite understand why n distinct keys requires O(n log n) time for storage in a random-access machine. I'm fairly certain it comes down to some simple mathematics, but unfortunately a solid understanding remains just beyond my grasp.

My closest attempt is as follows:

Given a base, 'B' and a number in that base, 'N', The maximum digits 'N' can have is:

(logB of N) + 1.

If each number in a given list, L, is unique, then we have up to:

L *((logB of N) + 1) possibilities

At which point I'm unsure how to progress.

Is anyone able to please expand on the above section in bold and break down why n distinct keys requires a minimum of log n for random-access storage?


1 Answers


Assuming MSB radix sort with constant m bins:

  • For an arbitrarily large data type which must accommodate at least n distinct values, the number of bits required is N = ceiling(log2(n))
  • Thus the amount of memory required to store each value is also O(log n); assuming sequential memory access, the time complexity of reading / writing a value is O(N) = O(log n), although can use pointers instead
  • The number of digits is O(N / m) = O(log n)
  • Importantly, each consecutive digit must differ by a power-of-2, i.e. m must also be a power-of-2; assume this to be small enough for the HW platform, e.g. 4-bit digits = 16 bins

During sorting:

  • For each radix pass, of which there are O(log n):

    1. Count each bucket: get the value of the current digit using bit operations - O(1) for all n values. Should note that each counter must also be N bits, although increments by 1 will be (amortized) O(1). If we had used non-power-of-2 digits, this would in general be O(log n log log n) ( source )
    2. Make the bucket count array cumulative: must perform m - 1 additions, each of which is O(N) = O(log n) (unlike the increment special case)

    3. Write the output array: loop through n values, determine the bin again, and write the pointer with the correct offset

Thus the total complexity is O(log n) * [ n * O(1) + m * O(log n) + n * O(1) ] = O(n log n).