
I have a query returning hundreds of database records.

As I am trying to paginate it using Laravel 4.2 method. Links are showing and they direct me to search-view?page=1 and so on, but the links open empty pages with no results. Only the first page contains results.

When I am trying to show these results without pagination the page never ends so I need to have it paginated.


$results = $this->model->where($searchByColumn, '=', $searchKey)

return View::make('search-view')
            ->with('results', $results);


@foreach ($results as $result)
   {{$result}} <br>


Any help on this please?

provide the code for route search-view and its controllerMahdi Younesi
@MahdiYounesi Route only runs the code from the first two blocks of code I provided here. There is nothing much else in there. I am getting results from database and passing them to the view, thats all.divHelper11
try this paginate($30, ['*'], 'page', $request->page);Sohel0415
Have you tried APP_DEBUG=true? No errors in the log?brombeer
The issue is still open. Anyone :D?divHelper11

2 Answers


I guess you don't see any record on the second page probably because $searchByColumn and $searchKey are not defined, that is are defined only on the first page because entered as input of a form but not on the other pages if you follow the basic paginator links.

To persist the value of $searchByColumn and $searchKey through consecutive requests you can append them to the links generated by the paginator, something like that:

{{ $results->appends(
    array('searchByColumn' => $searchByColumn, 
    'searchKey ' => $searchKey ))->links() }}

Adjust the code to follow the names of your parameters and don't forget to pass them to the view.


Try something just like this compact help you to solved your problem

  return View::make('search-view', compact('results'))
                ->with('results', $results);

When doing compact you're already including the $results var to be used as $results in the view, exactly the same you'd do using with('results', $results). So this last can be removed. If you want to load more vars using compact just separe the variable names by commas.