
I am trying to store conversations and state of Bot framework in Cosmos DB.
I followed the documentation here-

After following the steps, the object is created in cosmosdb but the data property object is null.
CosmosDB data property is null Image


This looks like a UserData record (based on the id field). Are you storing something in UserData? If you aren't specifically storing anything in UserData, then the data field will be empty (as you've shown).Eric Dahlvang

1 Answers


Using Azure Cosmos DB to store and manage bot’s state data is working for me, if I store data in UserData or ConversationData, I can view the data via Data Explorer on Azure Cosmos DB portal. As Eric Dahlvang mentioned in his comment, please check if you store some data in your code logic. Or you can put my code snippet in your bot app and test if it works for you.

Store state data:

context.UserData.SetValue("mytestdata", activity.Text.ToString());


context.ConversationData.SetValue("mytestcdata", "this is test Conversation Data");

View the state data:

enter image description here

enter image description here