
I am using Python to interact with Google Compute Engine. I am able to create/stop machines using Python directly. I have used sample code from GoogleCloudPlatform for this purpose and it is working fine.

Now I want to open some ports to interact with machine from outside world using the Python API.

This related question already tells how to open a specific port from Google console web and gcloud command, so my question is specifically how to do it with the Python API.

While I'm no Python guru, it might be worth checking out the API explorer to see how to construct API calls for inserting firewall rules here developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#search/firewall/m/compute/… and the API call to delete firewall rules here developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#search/firewall/m/compute/… . There is also the google-api-python-client which may also be helpful github.com/google/google-api-python-client .neilH

1 Answers


Here's some sample code to get you started, but I recommend you review the entire firewalls portion of the compute API to make sure you use all the options you need:

This runs successfully on cloud shell, which uses application default credentials. You might need to authenticate in a different way.

import googleapiclient.discovery

if __name__ == '__main__':
    MY_PROJECT = 'your-project-name'

    # Get the firewalls resource
    firewalls = googleapiclient.discovery.build('compute', 'v1').firewalls()

    # Build the REST parameters for a port 9090 ingress allow-all firewall.
    firewall_definition = {
      "name": "default-allow-9090",
      "direction": "INGRESS",
      # targetTags: "add tags here if you need them -- default is apply to all",
      "sourceRanges" : "",
      "allowed": { "IPProtocol": "tcp", "ports": [ 9090 ] },
      "priority": 1000,
      "network": "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/%s/global/networks/default" % MY_PROJECT,

    # Execute the call.
    result = firewalls.insert(project=MY_PROJECT, body=firewall_definition).execute()

    # View Response