Problem statement:
Azure disk dynamic Persistent Volume Claim: Mount failed with timeout expired. Pod is in “ContainerCreating” status for ever.
kubectl describe pod myPod
gives following information:
Warning FailedMount 1m (x5 over 12m) kubelet, k8-node-2 Unable to mount volumes for pod "mongodb-76bd56459f-hxjdc_kubeapps(8189f2e4-0017-11e8-82ac-000d3aa33484)": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount for pod "kubeapps"/"mongodb-76bd56459f-hxjdc". list of unattached/unmounted volumes=[data]
Warning FailedMount 21s (x8 over 12m) kubelet, k8-node-2 (combined from similar events): MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-516aeece-ff9d-11e7-82ac-000d3aa33484" : mount failed: exit status 32
Mounting command: systemd-run
Mounting arguments: --description=Kubernetes transient mount for /var/lib/kubelet/pods/8189f2e4-0017-11e8-82ac-000d3aa33484/volumes/ --scope -- mount -t ext4 -o bind /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ /var/lib/kubelet/pods/8189f2e4-0017-11e8-82ac-000d3aa33484/volumes/<br> Output: Running scope as unit run-rf9126bab6fba44d9a499370260ed5fe8.scope. mount: special device /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ does not exist
Kubernetes Cluster info:
It is a bare-metal installation with One Master and Two minions. All three Ubuntu 16.04 LTS VMs are on Azure. Cluster is created with “kubeadm”.
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"9", GitVersion:"v1.9.1", GitCommit:"3a1c9449a956b6026f075fa3134ff92f7d55f812", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-01-04T11:52:23Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"9", GitVersion:"v1.9.2", GitCommit:"5fa2db2bd46ac79e5e00a4e6ed24191080aa463b", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-01-18T09:42:01Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Further useful information from my own investigation:
1. PVC and PV are created and bound. See below:
~$ kubectl -n kubeapps get pvc
mongodb-data|Bound|pvc-516aeece-ff9d-11e7-82ac-000d3aa33484|8Gi||RWO|k8storage |14h
~$ kubectl -n kubeapps get pv
pvc-516aeece-ff9d-11e7-82ac-000d3aa33484|8Gi|RWO|Retain|Bound|kubeapps/mongodb-data|k8storage| |14h
2. Azure managed disks are automatically created and attached to the appropriate node. See screenshots from Azure portal:
Thanks in advance!!!