
I'm attaching an Observable (menuitems$) in my AppComponent using:

<h2 *ngFor="let menuitem of menuitems$ | async">DEFAULT TEXT</h2>

In my AppComponent's .ts file I create the menuitems Observable:

this.menuitems$ = this.wordPressMenuService.getMenu(2).map(m => m.items);

And in my AppComponent's .ts file I subscribe again using:

this.menuitems$.subscribe(menuitems => { console.log(menuitems); });

The .subscribe returns data and logs it into the console, but binding it with the Async-pipe to the H2-tag (also tried different tags) does not render the h2-tags on the screen. No (console) error output.

My MenuService looks like this:

protected readonly menus$ = new Subject<WordPressMenu>();

constructor(private dataService:DataService) { }

getMenu(id:number) : Observable<WordPressMenu> {
    this.dataService.get<WordPressMenu>(AppSettings.WP_MENU_ENDPOINT + id).subscribe(data => {
    return this.menus$.filter(m => m.ID == id);

Update: It works when I remove the subscribe(), but still didn't find out why you can't subscribe to the same observable with subscribe() and template-binding. So using the code below works, but why does it have to be a seperate Observable?

this.menuitems1$ = this.wordPressMenuService.getMenu(2).map(m => m.items);
this.menuitems2$ = this.wordPressMenuService.getMenu(2).map(m => m.items);
Define does not work. What are you observing while you are debugging?Igor
The only thing I can see is that the h2-tags are not being rendered. Using the async-pipe and .subscribe() should do the same thing, but in this case it does not. .subscribe() works, the async-pipe doesn't do anything.Erwin Okken
have you tried having the async pipe by itself? no subscribe.Anjil Dhamala
Interesting. Removing the (seperate) subscribe fixes it. But the whole point of having observables is to have them on multiples places in your application, isn't it? And I need this seperate subscribe() for different functionality.Erwin Okken

1 Answers


What is happening is your dataService.get().subscribe in your getMenu method is finishing before the async pipe subscribes. So the async pipe never receives the subject's emissions. If possible, I would avoid using the subject and just return the get observable

getMenu(id:number) : Observable<WordPressMenu> {
    return this.dataService.get<WordPressMenu>(AppSettings.WP_MENU_ENDPOINT + id)
        .map(data => data.filter(m => m.ID == id));