I am building binaries for our custom board(iMX7) using Yocto-morty. I need some libraries such as UTF-32.so, UTF-16.so, UTF-7.so from glibc package for bluetooth file tranfer. But these libraries are not available in the rootfs, only files available under /usr/lib/gconv are gconv-modules and ISO8859-1.so. So I am trying to add these libraries by adding new bbappend file glibc_2.24.bbappend with the following content
FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/gconv/*"
do_install_locale_append() {
cp -r ${dest}${libdir}/gconv ${D}${libdir}/
But it results in the following error:
ERROR: glibc-2.24-r0 do_populate_sysroot: The recipe glibc is trying to install files into a shared area when those files already exist. Those files and their manifest location are:
build_dir/tmp/sysroots/esomimx7d/usr/lib/gconv/ISO-2022-CN.so Matched in b'manifest-esomimx7d-glibc-locale.populate_sysroot'
build_dir/tmp/sysroots/esomimx7d/usr/lib/gconv/ARMSCII-8.so Matched in b'manifest-esomimx7d-glibc-locale.populate_sysroot'
Then I tried to remove the glibc-locale from the image but due to some dependency issues I could not do that.
Could anyone help me to add the above mentioned libraries to the rootfs?