
I am attempting to debug a Yodlee site authentication issue I am having. I'm sending the credentials via the following endpoint: POST https://rest.developer.yodlee.com/services/srest/restserver/v1.0/jsonsdk/Refresh/putMFARequestForSite

And this is the error message I am receiving:

  "errorOccurred": "true",
  "exceptionType": "com.yodlee.core.IllegalArgumentValueException",
  "referenceCode": "_4ef2f3e7-a750-4dfe-a16e-fa4254451897",
  "message": "Null argument specified for: QuesAndAnswerDetails[]"

I need to be able to test authenticating via MFA with dropdowns (selects). I created a DAG catalog, and replaced one of the DAG Security QA sites with the following configuration I found when googling:

 <MFAFlow flowOrder="1" isModeOfCommunication="1">
 <HelpTitle>MFA Help Title1</HelpTitle>
 <HelpContent>MFA Help Content1</HelpContent>
 <InfoTitle>MFA Info Title1</InfoTitle>
 <InfoContent>MFA Info Content1</InfoContent>
 <MFAChallenge questionType="text" >
 <MFAOption answerType = "dropdown">
 <questionLabel>Please select desired OTP
 <!-- The actual email or token will not be sent and is just a
placeholder to show the form -->
 <option isDefaultSelected="1" value="MOBILE_XXX-XXX-1234">MOBILE
 <option isDefaultSelected="0" value="HOME_XXX-XXX-2345">HOME XXXXXX-2345</option>
 <option isDefaultSelected="0" value="WORK_XXX-XXX-3456">WORK XXXXXX-3456</option>
<MFAChallenge questionType="text" >
 <MFAOption answerType = "dropdown">
 <questionLabel>Please select desired OTP
 <!-- The actual email or token will not be sent and is just a placeholder to show the form -->
 <option isDefaultSelected="1" value="TEXT">TEXT message</option>
 <option isDefaultSelected="0" value="PHONE">Phone Call</option>
 <MFAFlow flowOrder="2">
 <HelpTitle>MFA Help Title1</HelpTitle>
 <HelpContent>MFA Help Content1</HelpContent>
 <InfoTitle>MFA Info Title1</InfoTitle>
 <InfoContent>MFA Info Content1</InfoContent>
 <DisplayString>Security Key</DisplayString>

In order to get back MFA form info, I am calling: POST https://rest.developer.yodlee.com/services/srest/restserver/v1.0/jsonsdk/Refresh/getMFAResponseForSite

I can see the dropdowns with real sites, but I can't get a DAG site to reproduce the same behavior. I've also read https://developer.yodlee.com/assets/images/OTP_Documents/Implementation%20Manual%20for%20Enhanced%20MFA%20Support.pdf however when using Site/Provider Id 16442 I get a 403 yodlee internal error response.

I am aware of Can you provide an example of calling putMFARequestForSite with com.yodlee.core.mfarefresh.MFAQuesAnsResponse? and am attempting to implement the the suggested fix however I am unable to test using dag accounts.



2 Answers


I was able to resolve the issue in production by ensuring only the expected values are passed, and sending them in the expected order as Can you provide an example of calling putMFARequestForSite with com.yodlee.core.mfarefresh.MFAQuesAnsResponse? goes into details about which resolved the "Null argument specified for: QuesAndAnswerDetails[]" error.

No update to the providor accounts APIs was required which would have required a major rework. Was still unable to get DAG to work.


From your ask, I see that your are checking our legacy APIs.

We recommend you to use our new Yodlee APIs to integrate into your system.

Integration Guide- https://developer.yodlee.com/Account_Verification/Getting_Started

API Flow-https://developer.yodlee.com/Yodlee_API/API_Flow/Add_Account_With_ProviderAccount

Test our APIs here- https://developer.yodlee.com/apidocs/index.php#!/

If you are interested to get your dedicated and secure environment, then please contact

Sales:1 866-374-0948