I have followed the installation instructions but am getting the following error when opening my project's xcworkspace in Xcode 9.2
The target “Alamofire” contains source code developed with Swift 2.x. Xcode 9 does not support building or migrating Swift 2.x targets. Use Xcode 8.x to migrate the code to Swift 3.
Not sure if I have an old version of Alamofire: my Podfile contains
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' platform :ios, '9.0' use_frameworks! target 'raceQs' do pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.5' pod 'DLAlertView' pod 'CocoaAsyncSocket' pod 'GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK' pod 'SWRevealViewController' pod 'SSKeychain' pod 'SSZipArchive' pod 'mailcore2-ios' pod 'CrashlyticsFramework' end
pod install reported
Installing Alamofire (4.6.0)