I did a fresh install of the azure storage emulator. Used the command tool AzureStorageEmulator.exe to initialize everything.
I then start the Azure Storage Explorer and see all my subscriptions. When I open the 'Local and Attached' to create a new Blob container, Queue or Table under 'Development' the program starts loading that node indefinitely.
When I tried to run my project from Visual Studio 2017, the emulator is started but is stopped immediately. With the error: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException: 'The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly'.
When I check the status of the Storage Emulator it is running. The sqlexpress db has created AzureStorageEmulatorDb52. Yet the Storage Explorer doesn't seem to connect to the local storage to load or create any new entities.
Things I tried: Reïnstalled Visual Studio, the Azure SDK, the AzureStorageExplorer, the AzureStorageEmulator, deleting the AzureStorageEmulator database on the local sqlexpress instance ...
What am I missing?