I am not finding anything in the Azure Portal UI to un-link a previously associated Integration Account. I have a rich Logic App that I want to have no Integration Account linking as it is using no Integration Account features and when I give limited access to users to the Logic App but not the Integration Account, results in error:
Save logic app failed
Failed to save logic app process-850. The client '[email protected]' with object id '14...9a' has permission to perform action 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows/write' on scope '/subscriptions/b54...ders/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/process-850'; however, it does not have permission to perform action 'Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/join/action' on the linked scope(s) '/subscriptions/b54...bc/resourceGroups/IntegrationAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/Free-EDI-Integration-Account'.