
Issue : Created a Azure Container Registry . Using Jenkins to Automate CI/CD . The image push to the repository is successful. However when we try to pull the image on the same jenkins box it fails with error :

  • docker pull simplimedpoc.azurecr.io/bot-demo:latest Error response from daemon: Get https://simplimedpoc.azurecr.io/v2/: dial tcp: lookup simplimedpoc.azurecr.io on no such host
This runs in a jenkins job :rohan gupta
stage('ACS Docker Pull and Run') { app = docker.image('simplimedpoc.azurecr.io/bot-demo:latest') withDockerRegistry([credentialsId: 'acr_credentials', url: 'simplimedacr.azurecr.io']) { app.pull()rohan gupta
jenkins@jenkins:~$ az acr login -n simplimedacr -u simplimedacr -p ******* Login Succeeded jenkins@jenkins:~$ docker pull simplimedpoc.azurecr.io/bot-demo:latest Error response from daemon: Get simplimedpoc.azurecr.io/v2: dial tcp: lookup simplimedpoc.azurecr.io on no such hostrohan gupta
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1 Answers


I was having a similar problem. In my case, it was because my registry was in one virtual network and the VM I was using to pull the image was in a different virtual network. I added "peering" via the portal and was able to pull images after that.