I have connected a soil moisture sensor module and an LDR to an ADS1115 ADC (which is in turn connected to my R Pi). Am using Python 2.7. The ADC works fine and it prints values from channel 0 and channel 1 for the soil moisture module and the LDR respectively. I have the following codes to send data from the soil moisture module to Thingspeak using the following guides: https://www.mathworks.com/help/thingspeak/use-raspberry-pi-board-that-runs-python-websockets-to-publish-to-a-channel.html
import time
import sys
from time import sleep
import paho.mqtt.publish as publish
import Adafruit_ADS1x15
#Start of user config
channelID= "377509"
apiKey= "<APIKEY>"
#MQTT Connection Methods
useUnsecuredTCP= True
useUnsecuredWebsockets= False
useSSLWebsockets= False
mqttHost= "mqtt.thingspeak.com"
# You can use any Username.
mqttUsername = "SoilHumidityRpiDemo"
# Your MQTT API Key from Account > My Profile.
mqttAPIKey ="<APIKEY>"
if useUnsecuredWebsockets:
tTransport= "websockets"
tPort= 80
#Create topic string
topic= "channels/" + channelID + "/publish/" + apiKey
# Create an ADS1115 ADC (16-bit) instance.
adc = Adafruit_ADS1x15.ADS1115()
GAIN = 1
print('Reading ADS1x15 values, press Ctrl-C to quit...')
while True:
m = adc.read_adc(0, gain=GAIN)
print('Moisture Level:{0:>6}'.format(m))
tPayload= "field1=%s" % m
publish.single(topic, payload=tPayload, hostname=mqttHost, port=tPort, transport= tTransport,auth={'username':mqttUsername,'password':mqttAPIKey})
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ("There was an error publishing the data")
When I execute it, the error message "There was an error publishing the data" shows up. However when I just run a script to print the soil moisture values from the ADC on the terminal(without the codes to send data to Thingspeak via MQTT), that script works well.
except Exception as e: print(e)
so you can learn more about what goes wrong. – nosname 'tPort' is not defined
– Tia